The next-gen simultaneous turn-based strategy card game
World exploration in
Norse mythology

You can explore, lead, and evolve in a diverse unit system. Do you truly understand how to maximize their potential?
Four Elements: Opposition and Union. Master the terrain to control your fate.
The rune's power existed before the universe, and it is now in your hands to rule the world.
Choose your own
Your rune, your power
Applied to Units, to command the Unit to activate a special skill, attack, or enchantment spell (dealing damage to the opponent, or healing allies...)
Choose your
Recruit your army

Forge master
The legendary Dwarf Forge Masters, who could fight and forge metal on the battlefield, have gone down in military history as the model for the versatile army. There aren't many Forge Masters left today due to countless wars.
Evolution map
- Unicorn
- Aer Unicorn
- Terra Unicorn
- Aqua unicorn
- Sigtyr Unicorn
- Aesir Unicorn
- Ignis Unicorn
- Frije Unicorn
- Torur Unicorn
Aqua unicorn

Choose your own
Upgrade your weapon

Base building
Game play
The journey of Runeseeker

The Primordial Serpent was the first and only life in the Age of Origin. Tired of its solitude, the primordial being swallowed its tail and folded its body into a singular point, a condensed mass that would outlast the end of time. In the chaos that ensued, The Ancient Gods emerged from the point in the form of the Fundamental Elements of Terra (Earth), Aqua (Water), Ignis (Fire); and Aer (Air), and the furtive deity of Aether, so easily overlooked, but always lurking within the void.
The world as we know it and its first races were created by four Ancient Gods at the start of the Era of Creation. The primal fire that brings light upon the endless dark is carried by Eldur. Marna, with its endless life source, dedicates itself to nourishing early life. Bifindyr, send forth soul-filling winds. And the vast lands of Halvarheim welcome their offspring.
The First Tale, which was the result of the Ancient Gods conversing with one another through the sands of time to create the Age of Creation, is thought to have no end and will continue to be told by Eldur, Marna, Bifindyr, and Halvarheim as long as the world exists. The Ancient God of Aether - Nul, however, secretly changed The First Tale into the thing known as the Ancient Tablet after the creation of the first form of the world and added The Grand Cessation (The Very End).
The First Tale became unstable as a result of Nul's action, angering the Four Old Gods, which was also Nul’s goal. As the world learned about uncertainty and unpredictability, it lost its limitless qualities and, rather than expanding to infinity, the stream of fate had to split. The Four Ancient Gods never desired the Grand Cessation for The First Tale, and thus, out of vengeance they spearheaded the first and only war during the Age of Creation against Nul.
The four Ancient Gods' powers were overwhelming, but their combined might were unable to destroy the Aether God. Of course, Nul was always defeated in battle, but as long as a tiny fragment of him remained he would return and challenge the four Gods again. And each time Nul returned, the four Ancient Gods' strength would wane a little. Realizing if they had continued the war, the newly created world would inevitably end in destruction, the four Gods used themselves to build The Mighty Cemetery to seal Nul away forever. As a last ditch effort, Nul shattered the Ancient Tablet, casting hundreds of pieces of The First Tale onto the continent prior to his capture. These fragments will come to be known as primordial runestones.
The world gradually withered away over time as the Great Cessation looms closer and closer. The continent has been reduced to swaths of ruins and wastelands, and the Gods' kingdom has been overthrown. The Loopers emerged from the void into the Pit of Devil, where creatures that were once Un Runes were still caught in a loop of mutual destruction. They had never been absorbed by the Aether and were extremely perceptive to the energy of Fallen Runes and picking them up even at great distances.
The Mother told the Loopers that one day a Chosen Looper would emerge, using the Fallen Runes to stop the Great Cessation and revive the dying world. The Loopers will be sent out into the world after receiving instructions from the Judicator, the master of the Pit of Devil.
A Chosen Looper finally emerges from the depths of the abyss, and sets out on his fateful journey with the player's help.