armored werewolf
“Their eyes glow like burning coal, swallowing their prey whole, sharp canines find for the throat, and razor-like claws - tearing everything in their wake. O travelers, vagabonds or nomads, if you see a blood wolf - don’t freeze up, don’t look into their hungry eyes and flee as swift as you can, or else, pray that its prey at that moment isn’t you. Death is certain, and there is probably nothing left to be buried.” - Encyclopedia of the Accursed, Vol IV - Henrick of Sungon.
A creature forsaken by the gods, the Armored Werewolf has existed on the continent since the Age of Creation along with other mighty beings. Bearing an ancient grudge, the dark wolf relentlessly hunts the favored races. Being pushed out after the battle of The First Valor by the new gods, and nearly went extinct after The First Exploration, the Armored Werewolf must retreat deep into the murky forests beyond the Kalurkam Mountains. On the run, they came across the unfortunate Dwarves who were hiding in the mountains. The wolf king Fennyr, through threat and torture, forced their now prisoners to constantly forge armor for them.
During the last invasions and catastrophes of the Age of Rotten, the Armored Werewolf became a terror on every battlefield they appeared. Even when the world has come to an end, the remnants of the bloody werewolf, wearing these old but rustless armors, will still roam the continent in search of prey that can satisfy their bloodlust.
Armored Werewolf

- Atk30
- Hp140
- spd10
- eql15
- Wolf VengeanceAfter dying for the first time in battle, immediately revive and heal itself back to 25% MaxHP. Effective only once every match.
- Iron ClawAttacks a random target with DMG = 130% ATK.
- Tongue SplitterAttack a random Enemy, dealing DMG = 180% ATK, with a 50% success chance to apply (2 turns) on the target.