Eldur's Servant
"Their aggression should be understood with pure enthusiasm and hospitality, for after all the warmth of the fire is very close to the possibility of being consumed if the fire becomes out of control. And I feel I felt honored to be treated by them with the greatest fire I have ever seen in my life, which rose to the clouds, like a pillar of fire, and they, the faithful servants of the Old God, danced around the pillar of fire. there with swords and spears in their four arms." - The Last Pilgrimage, the poet Zeldorun.
Long forgotten, the entire continent has only known New Gods such as Leothur The Flawless Flame, Illianor Farfaren The Wise, Hilda & Frida The Twins Queen, and the holy Pope Gudmund. However, these New Gods are also creations of the Old Gods, dormant since the Age of Creation. The primordial god of the element Ignis, the Old God Eldur, though obscured by the sands of time, is still revered by mysterious tribes deep in the heart of the Glamrung Mountains, who call themselves Eldur's Servants.
Eldur's Servant

- Atk36
- Hp145
- spd31
- eql7
- Close EncountersWhile below 40% MaxHP, gain (2 turns).
- Ignis InstinctSummon on any adjacent Terrain tile, preferably one with Ignis Terrain.
- Eyes for EyesWhen taking damage from an attack, counterattack with DMG = 30% ATK.