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Imperial Priest


"May 15, 579 B.T.

Helga Ydren was ordained by His Majesty, the Imperial Priest.

September 18, 581 B.T.

Helga Ydren assumed the role of tutor to Prince Leon Hart and Princess Leonora, following her ordination.

January 1, 599 B.T.

Helga Ydren was declared a traitor, implicated in a mutiny plot with unspecified ties to Queen Meredir. Stripped of the title of Imperial Priest and all political privileges, she lost her citizenship within the Lorthwen Empire.

February 28, 599 B.T.

In response to the betrayal, the renowned swordsman Canon Gilbert launched a campaign to track down the traitors. Helga Ydren chose to end her own life, consuming a potion of sage root.” - A History of the Kingdom of Lorthwen, Book XI, Rebels or Great Men.

Half the power of the legendary Flaming Legion comes from the Holy Flaming Knights, warriors with the magical power of fire. During the recruitment ceremony, each maester from Sol Mylan Academy will be given the choice to become a field mage or stay as an instructor. However, due to the close relationship between the Twin Kingdoms and the Lorthwen empire, maesters could also choose to become Imperial Priests, and receive Pope Gudmund's training. After that, each Imperial will have one more choice to carry the supreme honor of becoming the Holy Flaming Knight. Or they still choose to stay in Lorthwen and serve King Leothur directly, becoming Imperial Priests, handling official affairs, teaching the prince and performing ordination ceremonies.  

Imperial Priest

Imperial Priest
Default action
Normal attack
  • Atk
  • Hp
  • spd
  • eql
  • Firm Faith
    Firm Faith
    Begin the battle with (2 turns).
  • Terra Nova
    Terra Nova
    Summon Rocky on any adjacent Terrain tile, preferably one with Terra Terrain.
  • Divine Poem
    Divine Poem
    Whenever a successful attack is performed, there is a 60% chance to inflict (3 turns).

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