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deep sea kraken


The horizon suddenly became foggy and then the storm hit us out of nowhere, the wind was so violent that it broke the main mast right from the start, the rain hit our face as if needles were piercing our skin. We tried to steer the rudder in vain, the ship was caught by something and couldn't change course, and everyone on deck heard a low, muffled gasp from below, a sound we had never heard before in forty years of roaming the high sea, not from whale nor any other sea creature.

And then two glowing spheres emerged from the water, brighter than the light of the tallest lighthouse in the Ainu kingdom. It’s eyeballs. A monster with slippery gray-blue scales reflecting the light of lightning, it looms over like a mountain in the midst of the sea." – from Captain Batico the Anchor’s voyage.

Kraken, Leviathan – common names for monsters hiding in the deepest abysses of the ocean. From the first sea charts, there existed drawings of sea serpents or monsters the size of an island swimming through the waves. Scholars believe that they only represent thalassophobia before the infinity of the ocean. But the inhabitants of the Borch Islands in their pirating voyages told of the existence of huge sea monsters, which can summon storms and huge waves to attack them.

Ancient records found in the Grand Archives in the Kingdom of Ainu & Enu, confirmed by Elven philosophers, acknowledged the existence of this creature, they called them the Deep-Sea Kraken.

Deep Sea Kraken

Deep Sea Kraken
Default action
  • Atk
  • Hp
  • spd
  • eql
  • Cultist Attack
    Cultist Attack
    Attacks an enemy Unit, with DMG = (pA)% ATK * Number of Spirits present. If no Spirit is present, the number of Spirits to be calculated is 0.5.
  • Something Wicked
    Something Wicked
    Whenever a Spirit is summoned, Unit receives Invincible ((pA) turns).
  • Call of Isothorpe
    Call of Isothorpe
    Extends the lifetime of every allied Spirit present by (pA) turns.

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