orc chieftain
"Dear Odger,
By the time this letter reaches you, I'll likely be eight hundred miles away, on the battleground of Orsenfal. It's regrettable that I couldn't be there to toast your brother's promotion to regiment commander. As I pen these words, he and his division are marching further north of Mundo. Reports speak of the Orc legions' deployment, and he's anticipating facing at least three Orc Chieftains and their legions. But rest assured, my teammates and I will triumph, bringing glory to the Flaming Legion as always.
Let's reconvene after the campaign concludes. We'll have a week of respite, and we can revel until dawn.
Yours in camaraderie,
- A tattered letter on the battlefield of Orsenfal, a week after the complete defeat of Division chief Varhiem Lodger and the XIIIth Flaming Legion.
As the main military force of the cursed races in the war with the favored races, the Orcs are physically stronger than most of the remaining creatures in the living world. They have green skin, are taller than an adult raccoon, and are extremely aggressive. Don't expect a rational conversation in front of an orc. And run away when you meet the Orc Chieftain, the most savage Orcs of their kind. Over the course of the Hundred Years' War and the Decline of the Gods, the Orc divisions under the Orc Chieftain's command always displayed a frenzied bloodlust in any battle. And they are the fear that any military force would have to fear, even the legendary Flaming Legion.
Orc Chieftain

- Atk34
- Hp155
- spd7
- eql14
- Warfare ArmorWhen taking damage from an attack, gain 7 .
- CounterattackWhenever taking damage from an attack, counterattack with damage = 30% ATK.
- Combat StimRecover 25% of MaxHP and gain (2 turns).